-----MODULA2 [M2JFTOOL] M2JFTools (Forrester, John; $30) is a library of tools for Modula-2 programmers. Library modules include new, useful procedures to be incorporated into programs (eg: date and calendar; screen; printer; file I-O; trigonometry). The other offers programs to make the programming process easier. Another library module for probability calculations of factorials, combinations, permutations, binomial probabilities, cumulative binomial probabilities, normal probabilities, cumulative normal probabilities and a procedure for entering data values and calculating their mean and standard deviation. Requires a hard disk. [MOD2COMP] Modula-2 Compiler (Fitted Software Tools; $25-$35) includes a compiler with an integrated editor and "make" facility, a program linker, a makefile generator, and an execution profiler. The program is a self-proclaimed "memory hog" and, in the words of the author, "generates code for the Intel 8086 'huge' memory model: Each module has its own data and segment, each of which can be up to 64k in size; pointers are four bytes long." The on-disk documentation is well written and starts with a walk-through tutorial. [MOD2TUTR] Modula-2 Tutor (Coronado Enterprises; $10) is a tutorial on Modula-2, a high-level language somewhat similar to Pascal. [CAL] Calendar 1.0 (Kaya, Raymond T.; $0) is the Modula-2 source code (and exectuable) for a simple, stand-alone, non-memory resident calendar that will let you page through a month at a time. [ScrMod] ScrMod is a Modula-2 library offering an advanced text screen handling for the IBM-PC and compatibles. It supports windows, RAM screens (to save or prepare screens in RAM), cursor and bell control.